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November 17, 2017
Animals Decoration in Zoo
his is a concept story about The Zoo, freedom or a jail? The animals in the zoo were like a Decoration, just there are Breathing. So I took one animal decoration of picture inside the zoo and took one alive animal living in the zoo.
What are different? It is the same, just there were alive.
Taiwan Black Bear
Asian Elephant
African elephant societies are arranged around family units. Each family unit is made up of around ten closely related females and their calves and is led by an older female known as the matriarch. When separate family units bond, they form kinship or bond groups. After puberty, male elephants tend to form close alliances with other males.
A leopard cat is about the size of a domestic cat, but more slender, with longer legs and well-defined webs between its toes. Its small head is marked with two prominent dark stripes and a short and narrow white muzzle. There are two dark stripes running from the eyes to the ears and smaller white streaks running from the eyes to the nose
Adult rhinoceros have no real predators in the wild, other than humans.